Baby is very active, performing somersaults every now and then. I noticed that whenever baby kicked and if I stroked my tummy, the kicks will stop.. probably wanting attention from mummy..
Lately when I visited my gynea, the first question he would asked me "Is your baby active ?". It is common that baby is active at this stage and will slowly reduce towards due date.
Technology is getting very advance now with the availability of 4D scans. I remember in my 1st pregnancy 5 years ago, my gynea only had a 2D scanning machine in his clinic, in each of the check-up, he will scanned our baby and gave us a photo. Both hubby and me were very excited looking at the 2D image. This time he has a 3D scanning machine, where the 4D scans further adds the 4th dimension of time giving you a moving 3D image of your baby. I could see clearly the shape of my baby's face including the lips. I even saw him opening and closing the mouth in one of the scans. Truely amazing ....
Have brought Emily along during one of the check-ups. She was very excited when my gynea showed her the baby scanned images explaining the different body parts to her. When she came back, she told daddy that the gynea said baby has "birdie".
Food wise, am glad I don't have any preference, everything looks delicious to me, similar to my 1st pregnancy. In the earlier months, I was always hungry and was eating more than my hubby :) Thankfully that phase has passed coz it felt really terrible feeling so hungry especially when halfway attending meetings in office. I guess what I miss the most now is drinking carbonated drinks (coke) as I try to restraint from taking those during pregnancy.
I am starting to feel uncomfortable moving around with my big tummy. Having to do house chores and driving around to send my daughter to all her activities at this stage can be taxing at times. Am glad hubby will be back from his 6 months relocation next week.. Hooray...