Believe it or not, my little girl will no more be little, she will be entering Primary One when the new school term begins, which is next Monday. Infact today is her school orientation day at Kwang Hwa. She has been really excited for the past one week about her new school and this morning unlike all the other mornings, we didnt need to wake her up, she was all awake at 645am..LOL. After fussing a little with wearing her school uniform, she was finally fully ready to leave for school, eagerly carrying her school bag.
Hubby took leave from work to accompany her to the orientation. I was not able to join them as Jared's babysitter is away for the whole of this week and I have to take the week off to babysit him instead.
I wasn't sure how she felt about 1st day at school but to my surprise when hubby and I picked her up from her daycare this evening, she told me that she has enjoyed her new school very much.. Err.. I hope she will continue to tell me this once the actual school work starts.. hahhaha