When we purposely place his toy a little further from him to attract his attention, he will somehow make his way to grab it, but not through crawling. Tummy time has definately helped to strengthen his hand and neck muscles. He now loves to be on his tummy and changing nappies is a challenging task as he kept wanting to roll over.
We also noticed that he could understand the word "No" :). The other day when hubby left the camera near him, he pushed himself towards the camera and pulled it towards his mouth. When hubby mentioned the word "No eating" a few times, he immediately stopped putting the camera near to his mouth. There were many other scenarios which proofed to us that he could understand this word :) He is also very happy each time we say "Counting, 1,2,3,4,5", will be smiling and looking attentively at our fingers. Whenever he fussed while we were cleaning him up for the night, switching on the nursery songs will help to calm him down, looks like he loves to listen to nursery songs.
As for his milk intake, he still refuses to drink when he is awake, noticed that he prefers EBM more than formula. I really hope this habit will end soon. I will be introducing some vegetables and fruits to his diet this weekend so that he will experience more varieties of food. His PD has cautioned us not to give him any citrus fruits until around 1 year old.