Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker
Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Jared's 5th Birthday

Tomorrow, Jared will be turning 5. We had an earlier celebration for him today at home within ourselves.
He has changed his mind 3 times about the type of cake he wanted and finally settled for a minion cake. I found some minions cake topper made of sugar when I was getting the ingredients for his cake from the baking ingredients shop. 
This year I decided to make him banana chocolate cupcakes, top with cream cheese frosting, added with edible yellow color.

Jie Jie gave him a little present of minion made using the pyssla beads


  1. Happy Birthday to Jared!

    Emily is so smart to make the minion from the beads all by herself. Did she figure out where to put the different coloured beads to make it look like a minion all by herself?

  2. Mun, thanks. She went to google for the picture and followed from there :)

  3. Happy Birthday Jared. wah.....minions cupcakes . i like.

    1. Small Kucing, thanks for your greeting and for visiting my blog
