Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker
Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Raisin Butter Cake

It has been more than a year since I did any baking. Today, I managed to steal some time to bake a raisin butter cake since there are some guests in our house. I got the recipe from kuali website. This is how the cake turns out, wonder why it cracks in the middle, could it be due to the temperature, the batter consistency or baking duration ? It also didn't expand accordingly. Not a very successful attempt :)
I have used a non-stick springform pan which hubby bought in the US, therefore it's easier to remove the cake from the pan.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Jared at 4 months

Weight : 8.2 kg

Phew..Time really flies, Jared has just turned 4 months old. Last Sunday, we had a simple celebration to mark his 4 months old. MIL prepared red eggs, boiled chicken and "mee sua". According to ancient beliefs, the parents should each feed their baby with egg and also drumstick so that he will not be a picky eater. What a belief...but we still performed the ritual.. LOL..

Look at Jared's expression when he was fed with mee sua (of course he is not able to swallow them).

His milking behavior has also changed since 2 weeks ago. He will refuse to drink milk whenever he is awake eventhough he is already hungry. I tried feeding him while he was awake, guess what he did, he would use his hands and pushed the bottle away. Sometimes he wouldn't swallow the milk and just let it dripped out of his mouth.. Then we found out that he will only drink when he is asleep or half asleep, 5oz will be taken up in 5 mins. Thankfully he has been sleeping quite frequently, though they are just short naps during the day time. Challenging task for both babysitter and myself.

He is now showing more anxiety when strangers try to carry or communicate with him.

There was one day when we left him alone on his bed by the floor . Suddenly we heard him squealing and guess where he was when we went to see him, part of his body was on the floor and he was trying to lift his head up high. We now have to be more careful on where we place him as he is starting to learn to turn sideways.

All in all, he is still as adorable as before, smiling whenever we play and talk to him.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Japanese Egg Molds

I have been wanting to buy the Japanese egg molds ever since I saw them in some of the blogs that I read about bentos but I was unable to find them in Penang. However, today my wish came true as a friend of mine who came back from Japan bought a set of 2 egg molds for me. Will try to steal some time this weekend to try it out and I am sure Emily will love a molded egg :).

This might be the start to my bento sets adventure but before that I need to build up stocks for bento boxes and accessories. If anyone knows where to get bento sets and its accessories in Penang, do let me know.

Shi Hui, thanks for the wonderful gift.

Our Little Pianist 2

Emily had requested that I do a video recording during one of her piano practice sessions. And I thought I might as well post it in this blog site.