Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker
Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

Sunday, October 25, 2009

More Variety of Food for Jared

Yesterday I bought some organic sweet potatoes, pumpkin and potatoes for Jared. I steamed and made them into mushy texture and mix with cereal and EBM. Today I introduced the Healthy Times Organic Mixed Grain cereal, mixed with rice cereal. He seemed to enjoy all these different varieties of food even though sometimes he will playfully blow out his food and it can get a little messy :)

Doing Their Revisions

Emily has been busy doing her revisions this weekend as her exams will be coming in early November. When hubby and myself were busy cleaning the house this morning, Emily has decided to do her revision with Jared. Look at how engrossed he was with what Emily was showing to him and not to mention, he tried to snatch the book too :)

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Shiitake Mushroom Alfredo Pasta

All this while I only cooked spaghetti with tomato based sauce. I have always wanted to try the Alfredo sauce and today I got the opportunity to do so using the Shiitake mushroom Alfredo sauce. To make the sauce enough for 3 of us, I added onions, low fat fresh milk, cheese and some tapioca flour for thickening. The taste was pretty good but conclusion is we still prefer the tomato based sauce.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Jared at 6 Months

Weight : 9.4kg

Time really flies, Jared is already 6 months old. Every morning, he would wake up at ~7am, if he didn't spot us in the room, then he will be able to play on his own and making all sorts of funny sounds. The moment he spotted daddy, he would screamed to be carried. There were several occurances where I purposely ignored him while in the room, he actually made some sounds to grab my attention. LOL.

He can now sit with support at his back and I would put him in the high chair whenever I feed him cereal or when he wants attention during our mealtime. He would happily sit in the chair looking at us eating :).

He definately likes to play with Emily, will be all excited whenever Emily played or talked to him.

When we purposely place his toy a little further from him to attract his attention, he will somehow make his way to grab it, but not through crawling. Tummy time has definately helped to strengthen his hand and neck muscles. He now loves to be on his tummy and changing nappies is a challenging task as he kept wanting to roll over.

We also noticed that he could understand the word "No" :). The other day when hubby left the camera near him, he pushed himself towards the camera and pulled it towards his mouth. When hubby mentioned the word "No eating" a few times, he immediately stopped putting the camera near to his mouth. There were many other scenarios which proofed to us that he could understand this word :) He is also very happy each time we say "Counting, 1,2,3,4,5", will be smiling and looking attentively at our fingers. Whenever he fussed while we were cleaning him up for the night, switching on the nursery songs will help to calm him down, looks like he loves to listen to nursery songs.

As for his milk intake, he still refuses to drink when he is awake, noticed that he prefers EBM more than formula. I really hope this habit will end soon. I will be introducing some vegetables and fruits to his diet this weekend so that he will experience more varieties of food. His PD has cautioned us not to give him any citrus fruits until around 1 year old.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Jared's 1st Solid

Yesterday, Jared was introduced to his 1st solid meal as he will turn 6 months next week. I started him off with the Heinz rice cereal to avoid any allergies to other types of grains. I mixed the cereal with my EBM. Initially I expected this session to be a messy one but to my surprise, Jared ate really well for a first timer. He seemed to know how to open his mouth when I put the spoon near to it. I felt the mixture was a little too thick, so today I made the mixture more runny.

It was also the first time for him to drink from the sippy cup but he was already holding the cup like a pro :)

Bought the Healthy Times organic mixed grain cereal too, but will use it later to avoid any allergies at this early stage

Friday, October 9, 2009

Posing In Her Princess Costume

Last Monday Emily has insisted on wearing her Disney Princess Aurora dress to school. Look at her sweet smile while posing for this photograph.

Friday, October 2, 2009

An Evening at Youth Park

It was a long break during the Raya holidays. Trying to avoid overly crowded places due to the H1N1 outbreak, we brought the kids to Youth Park together with my parents.

Our Little Pianist 3

Kindy Mooncake Festival Celebration

Emily's kindy had a mooncake festival celebration this morning. Parents were requested to prepare some food for the party. As my schedule was tight, I decided to make some jellies with "gula melaka" and coconut milk flavor.
This evening, when we picked her up from kindy, she told me that my jellies are the best according to her friends. Hmmm.. Wonder how true is that, regardless, I am all flattered :)