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Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Fun With Cooking

Today is Labour Day. Happy Holidays to All !!
I wanted to try out a new recipe, Mix fruit Sweet and Sour Fish. As I didn't have all the ingredients in the recipe, I decided to substitute with whatever that I can find from my fridge and these were what I had used; black pomfret, grapes, green apples, and tomatoes.

As for dinner, I decided to prepare spaghetti, a meal that requires very little preparation. Since it was an impromptu decision, I had to use minced pork instead of chicken fillet as it was the only meat I had in the freezer. Infact, hubby and I think that pork tastes better than chicken for the sauce. I also made a simple bento for Emily.

My day ended well when my girl came and gave me a big hug and said "Thank you for the good lunch and dinner, mummy."


  1. the sweet & sour fish looks absolutely delicious ! thanks for the tips, I will try out this fruit sauce one day.

  2. Mun Yee, Thanks :). Happy trying and hope your kids will like it.
