Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker
Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Jared's 6th Birthday

Another overdue post.
On 14 April 2015, Jared turned 6. However everyone tells me he looks like a 8 or 9 year old boy. Oh, how time has flown by, no longer a baby but he kept insisting that he is still a baby.
Many weeks before his birthday he told me he wanted a Frozen birthday cake. I managed to get the Frozen figurines from a baking shop and made him a simple sponge cake decorated with cream and the figurines. He was simply excited when he got to decorate the cake with the figures.



Mum's Birthday

This is an overdue post . I baked a cake for my mum's birthday and we went out for dinner to celebrate within our family.
May my mum be happy and healthy for many more years to come.



Jose Cuervo Tequila Tour

I have always heard about tequila but have never tried any before. In this trip, I had some experiences drinking tequila cocktails. I have also been using agave syrup at home as sweetener, not knowing that the same plant is also used to make tequila. 
Sunday was our free day. We decided to sign up for a tequila tour. The tour bus picked us from our hotel in the morning. Together with other visitors, we headed into Tequila city in Jalisco where all the true tequila comes from. We were first brought to Jose Cuervo Agave Farm where the tour guide explained how the blue agave plant is planted and harvested.

We then took the bus to the factory where the agave plant is processed into tequila. We were only allowed to take photos at the outer area of the factory and photography is forbidden inside the factory.

After the tour, we went back to hotel around evening time. It was a tiring trip but fun and informative.