Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker
Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Lantern Festival Celebration

This evening we attended the mooncake festival celebration organized by E&O developer at Tanjung Seri Pinang. Many events were arranged including stage performances, lion dance troops, fireworks, making your own mooncake, photo session with rabbits, etc.. And not forgotten food!!

Emily enjoyed taking her lantern and also having fun with her cousins.
Unfortunately I forgot to take photos of Jared who was also very excited being among the crowds.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

A Decent Meal

Lately I try to prepare food for our dinner to reduce "ta pao" food.. Due to time constraints, I have to plan as simple and nutritious food as possible which can be ready within 30 minutes. While I am cooking, hubby has to help clean up Emily and Jared as well as put Jared to bed.

Today I managed to prepare 2 simple dishes, steam garoupa fillet with "khee chi" and stir-fry prawns with brocolli, carrot and capsicium. I was surprised that Emily liked the capsicium so much ..

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Jared at 5 months

Weight : 8.9k g. According to Jared's PD, his weight is a 10 month old baby's weight. :)

He can now lift his head up high when placed on his tummy but not for long, needs to put him more on his tummy to strenghten his neck. His legs are also firmer now when we hold him under his arms with his legs on our lap. Has started learning to grasp objects when placed near him.
He is also drooling alot and blowing lots of "raspberries".

He would smile to people who comes to say "hello" to him. This attitude is definately not like Emily :). Also starting to respond when we call his name.

He is definately an early bird, waking up at 7am most of the mornings, will play on his own and sometimes squeals for attention.
His babysitter has also taught him to open and close his fingers when the word "char chi kok" is mentioned. He will do this action each time the word is mentioned. So cute... Indeed his listening skill has developed.

As for milk intake, he still drinks when he is sleeping. If I were to feed him when wide awake, he would use both his hands to push the milk bottle away, on one occasion, I didn't hold on to the bottle tightly and it just flung to the floor, aiyooo.... Sometimes he will make all sorts of sounds as if complaining that he doesn't want milk!!
Early this week I had the biggest scare when he totally refused to drink milk. It all started when he suddenly developed mild fever in the range of 37.8-38.4 celcius. His PD suspected it was due to roseola virus as his whole body has rashes. He became very fussy and cried alot throughout the day which he never did before. That night he hardly slept, waking up almost every hour and cried. I suspected he was hungry, however he still refused to drink milk but wanted only water. Hubby even resorted to feed him using spoon where he cried throughout the feeding. My gosh.. real nightmare for hubby and me.. Thankfully the following day, his fever subsided and that night his appetite returned.. Phew... I have now reduced his milk portion from 6 oz to 5 or 5.5 oz.

Due to his lower milk intake, I have some excess breastmilk. As I did not want to freeze them, I persuaded Emily to drink them, in the beginning she refused as she said is very "geli". I then mixed alot of Milo into the BM and told her that she will become smarter if she drinks my BM as it contains alot of DHA and vitamins. She drank them and told me it tasted good. Now when I ask her which milk is delicious, she would say "Mommy's milk". LOL.

I recently borrowed a bumbo chair from my colleague as I couldn't decide to buy or not since some mothers told me their babies refuse to sit in it. I think Jared likes it as the colour is pretty striking and he kept looking at the chair and also his own body when sitting in it. However I dont think I will be buying as his "drumsticks" are big and they sometimes got stuck in the chair :).

Look at what Emily did after Jared got out of the chair..

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

My Yoghurt Maker

Got this yoghurt maker, Easiyo, from KL through my colleague's husband who went down to KL for biz trip. Cost RM49 which is reasonably cheap as the original price which is RM80++. I hope to make my own yoghurt at home as my family including myself love to eat yoghurt, however I resisted buying yoghurt sold over the counter as they are too sweet and I doubt they still have any live bacteria. Also I noticed Emily will develop coughs each time she consumed them.

Besides having nutritional values, I didn't know yoghurt can also be used to enhance natural beauty, acting as cleanser, toner and face masks.
I am now looking for yoghurt recipes, if anyone has any, do share with me.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Mosquito Bites !!!

This morning hubby and I were shocked to discover so many mosquito bites on Jared's face.. My gosh..a total of at least 10 bites. It wasn't that bad when we left him at babysitter's place, but when we went to pick him up in the evening, I just couldn't believe what I saw, they have become redder and also turned bigger. I am sure they are itchy as he kept using his hands to rub his face while sleeping just now. Poor Jared ...



Thursday, September 3, 2009

Invaded by Bugs

This whole week is a stressful one for me and hubby. MIL went home on Saturday afternoon and Emily was down with high fever since Saturday afternoon. Her fever went up to 103F on Sunday night, fortunately it did come down after we inserted the paracetamol suppository which caused her to sweat alot. Alot of worries within us as now is the H1N1 outbreak. She showed a few of its symptoms, coughing, flu and fever. Brought her to see the specialist and he suspected it was due to viral/bacteria. So antibiotic was prescribed to her to be taken for 3 days. After the 3rd day the fever came back in the evening, we brought her back to the specialist. This time he suspected ear infection and prescribed another course of the same antibiotics. But I resisted giving to her. Today her temperature is back to normal, but need to monitor more closely in the evening coz it usual rises during this time. This is the worst infection she has gotten since born.

We totally isolated Jared from her, he is spending all his time in our bedroom when at home whereas Emily is sleeping on her own in a different room. Both hubby and I are also wearing face masks when handling her as it could be very contagious.

As she couldn't go to her day care, we had to take leave from work to be with her at home. Wanna thank hubby for taking so many days of leave to be at home with her when I wasn't able to.