Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker
Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Does Emily love her little brother ?

I have been getting this question from everyone I know and seems to be a common question. Hmmm.. the 1st day when we brought Jared home, Emily came to tell me that she is happy that she now has a little brother. I was indeed very glad to hear this from her. At night, she even offered to read stories to Jared, acting like a big sister :)

There was a day when 3 of us, Emily, Jared and myself were in the room. Jared was crying at that time, so I picked him up and said "Mummy sayang". To my surprise, Emily looked at me and asked, "Mummy, do you sayang me as well ?" Wow... have i neglected her so much since Jared was born for her to ask me this question ? Immediately I gave her a big hug and told her that mummy always loves her.

In fact, Emily is a good helper to me, occasionally I asked her to help me take wet diapers to the washroom pail, take dry napkins for changing, of course she won't help me with those napkins that have Jared's pooh :) Each time I would praise her for being helpful hoping that she would feel she is so appreciated for her actions.

These few days we have quarantined her from Jared as she is down with slight flu and coughs. Hopefully she gets well soon and able to play with Didi again..

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Present from "DiDi" to "JieJie"

During my pregnancy, many of my friends told me to get ready a present for Emily and give to her as a gift from her little brother. It is a way to show that her "didi" loves her very much and hopefully removes any jeolousy she has for the little one. We decided to wrap the jigsaw puzzles set that hubby bought from US which we think she would love it.
When she was not in the room, we quickly took out the present and placed it beside Jared. When she came in, we told her that Jared has a surprise present for her. She was grinning with happiness when she saw the present and really thought it was from Jared... :) Look at her sweet smiles, posing with her present and didi..

One of the puzzles that Emily has assembled together with the help of daddy.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

The Arrival of Our Little Prince

On 14 April 2009, I gave birth to my little baby boy,Jared, 2 days after my due date. This delivery was a little interesting compared to my Emily's.

A week prior to the delivery day, my gynea called up to say that he had to go on emergency leave and will only be back 1 week after my due date and had referred me to another gynea in the same hospital. I was very unhappy and worried as I did not have any experience or trust in this new gynea, so I decided to ask friends if they know the background of this Doc. There were a mixture of opinions about him, finally I decided to consult him personally on Sunday morning. The first thing he said to me after I told him my due date was that very day, he said I should go for induction. Immediately my trust for him dived 50% coz he hadn't even checked if I have dilated and already made such suggestion. After that he checked my cervix and said it's already 3 cm dilated and from the scanning, he commented that baby's head is big, estimated baby will be about 3.6kg. And then he scheduled for me to come in for induction on Wednesday the week itself. When I told him I didn't want to go for induction yet, he wasn't very happy with my decision.

Throughout the day, I did alot of thinking about the induction thingy, discussing with hubby and also friends. Infact my 1st baby was delivered through induction. I didn't want to take the risk of inducing and then not dilating accordingly and finally ending up going for c-sect. Finally both hubby and I decided we will not go for the Wednesday induction.

Infact I had been having mild contractions throughout the past few days but nothing major. So life went on, even helping hubby to vacumn the floor on Sunday afternoon. I went in to office on Monday to settle some stuffs before taking the other half day off. When hubby sent me home, he jokingly asked me to wash my hair and cleanup in case I delivered on the night itself :). At night, I could feel the contractions were getting stronger, however the interval was far apart, so I knew they were just braxton hicks. I felt the urge to pee more frequently and when I went to the washroom at 11.30pm, I noticed some blood stains. Somehow, I felt relieved coz I had a feeling I will be delivering soon, went to ask hubby who were already snoozing, that I might be delivering soon. I could sensed he was a bit panic at that time as we did not experienced this with Emily. She was delivered on scheduled induction. After that I felt the contractions getting stronger but I thought I could wait till morning before going to the hospital. I started to monitor the frequency of the contractions and noticed that the interval was about 5 minutes and lasted for about 1 minute. I woke up hubby and told him it was time to go to the hospital.

When we arrived at the hospital, I was immediately brought to the delivering room, strapped my tummy to a heart beat monitoring equipment to check the baby's heart beat rate. The nurse in-charged came to check my cervix dilation and to my suprise it was already 7 cm dilated. She told me it was a good thing I came in immediately, infact I was a bit relief to find out that my cervix had dilated so much and only left 3 cm to go. It was slightly after 1am. The next 2 hrs was full of pain, hubby was beside me, not much he could do except performing some light massages on my shoulder. The pain was tremendous when the dilation reached 8cm, no pain killer could be administered as my dilation was already 7cm when I arrived at the hospital, it would only work if given around 6cm dilation. I didn't want to go on epidural though . The nurses were very supportive, offered me the pain relieving gas (Entonox) instead. It wasn't as good as the pain killer (1st baby experience), however it was still better than nothing :)
When the dilation reached 9cm, I could hear the nurse asking another nurse to call my new gynea. My water bag hasn't bursted at that time. I still did not see my gynea after a while and were finally told that he had another ICU patient to attend to. Goodness gracious.... another gynea was called in, she stepped into the labour room and said "hi, I have not seen you before" :). I knew who she was though.

Finally my water bag bursted and my dilation had reached 10cm. It was time to push. I had a difficult time pushing the baby out as he was big. 2 nurses were helping to push my stomach, hubby was lifting my sholulder to make my pushing more effective, gynea was at the receiving side asking me to push whenever I felt the contractions. Those moments were like the tug of war game but instead of pulling, I was being given the support to push. I overheard the gynea telling hubby that if the baby didn't come out soon, she will need to use vacumn as baby could be overstressed. Since I have wanted to have a normal delivery all along, I couldn't give up at this last moment and told myself to give the last hardest push all I could and finally I heard everyone shouted, "baby is out". I felt the greatest relief when I heard him crying. It was a moment of joy for both hubby and me. Though it was a painful 2 hrs, nothing beats the happiness when I saw my baby boy placed on me right after delivery.

Indeed a big baby, weighing 3.85kg and 56cm in length.
Hubby left to see baby at the nursery and then went home to rest. I was transfered to the maternity ward where there was another lady who had just delivered the previous day.

As I have asked to fully breastfed my baby before delivering, a nurse from the nursery came to ask me to go to the nursery for breastfeeding that morning itself, though it was still painful to walk due to the severe wound and many stitches, I still made the effort to walk to the nursery as I have not seen my little one since he left for the nursery.

When Jared was brought to me for the 1st breasfeeding seesion, I was impressed at how fast he started sucking when I put him near my breast even though I felt a little tense holding such a little baby (after > 5 yrs not holding a new born baby :) ) . It was a great feeling where all mommies will cheerish.
As it was a 3 days 2 nights package, I was discharged with Jared on the 3rd day. Glad to be home with hubby and Emily.

Jared's photo of 1 day old

Friday, April 10, 2009

The winner of Berlin short film festival, don't waste Food!

A colleague of mine sent me this link and after watching the video clip, it really touched my heart. So I would like to share with those of you who have not watched the video before.

I showed this video to Emily, she watched quietly. When asked what she had learned from it, she told me have to appreciate her food.

Have spoken to many parents and through the conversations, I noticed the biggest headache that parents have with kids are related to food/feeding. Kids nowadays are really lucky, get to eat delicious food and some eventually becomes very choosy. Can't deny having the same problem with Emily at times even though she eats most of the food served to her. When she starts to be choosy, hubby and I will try to explain to her that the food is good for her health and many kids in this world is not as lucky as her to enjoy such food. Sometimes we were successful in convincing her but other times she still insisted on not eating them.. Sigh..

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Weekend at G Hotel

As I am in my 37++ week of pregnancy and since hubby just came back from his relocation, we decided to have a weekend getaway in G Hotel Penang. Even though it is just located in Penang, Emily was very excited when we shared with her our plans. Gosh.. she told almost everyone, including her school teacher and classmates that she will be going to spend the weekend in G hotel.

The room in G hotel is pretty nice and cosy, with contemporary interior design. Complimentary buffet breakfast served is also not bad ... Emily enjoyed eating the waffles, chicken sausages, hash brown and drinking the orange and apple juices.

She was especially excited about going swimming in the pool. We waited for her cousins to come and we brought the whole bunch of kids to the pool for a splash.. They all had a great time screaming and running around the pool area.
Guess this will be my last outing before the arrival of our new baby.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Daddy is finally back ...

Yesterday, I fetched Emily to the airport to pick daddy up, previously we always waited in the car for daddy to come out of the airport. But this time she insisted that I parked my car and went in to the waiting area where she could meet daddy. So that's what we did ... She had been very excited since the moment she opened her eyes in the morning and told me that daddy would be back by night. She even made a welcome back card for daddy few days ago.

When she saw daddy walking out from the immigration area, she ran to him, hugged and kissed him. Daddy was very haggard after the 30 hrs journey but happy at the same time to receive such a warm welcome from his little girl.
Upon reaching home, Emily was even happier when daddy gave her some presents. And you know what she told me, "mummy, I am happy to be with my family again". She must have missed daddy so very much....