Jared's school had a Teacher's Day celebration on last Thursday. As Parents were asked to bring some food to share with teachers and students. I made sausage puffs using the kawan brand paratha pastry and fruity nut cake. He was really excited and looking forward to the party. Kept telling me that he wanted to share the food with his friends and teachers. And he reminded jie jie to wake up early so that he would reach school early for the party :).
After lunch, his teacher phoned me to say that Jared was having mild fever. So we left office earlier to pick him up from school. By night time, he was still having fever. We continued to feed him paracetamol and the fever came down after that. I had to work from home the next day since his fever recur. By evening he was complaining of sore throat and unable to swallow anything. My worst fear came true, when I checked his mouth and saw few white spots on the inner part of his mouth, I suspected it to be HFMD. We immediately took him to the specialist for further check-up. Dr checked his hands and feet for any red spots but there weren't any, however there were many spots on the inner part of his mouth. He prescribed Antibiotics as he was worried it would developed into secondary bacteria infections. However I did not give it to Jared as Coxsackie is a viral disease. After searching for more information on google, we understand that there is no specific treatment. Treatment is aimed at fever control and maintaining good oral hydration. The oral spray prescribed by the dr. help to lessen the pain by giving some numbed feeling to the sores.
Yesterday he could only eat my home-made yoghurt, ice cream, boiled eggs and cereal with cold milk. Today he is much better, I do not see new sores or worsening existing sores. He was able to eat pancakes for breakfast, lots of yoghurt and porridge for lunch and dinner.
We will quarantine him at home for the next few days. Praying for speedy recovery..
Happy to be staying at home and not going to school. Played with his Legos |